Project Profiles REPRESENTATIVE NEW CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES PROJECT PROFILES BRINGING NEW CHEMICAL TO MARKET Assisting new chemical manufacturer with all aspects of bringing unique agricultural chemicals to market. Completed preliminary process design, estimated grassroot plant installed cost, and developed manufacturing cost per unit of production for 130 million lb/year plant. Located and worked with toll manufacturer to perform pilot studies, produce first year production. Filed Premanufacture Notice (PMN) with USEPA, which reviews the safety and uses of chemicals prior to manufacturing or importing a new chemical into the US. Other issues included Material Safety Date Sheets (MSDS) and High Production Volume (HPV) chemicals testing, and ISO 9000. PHARMACEUTICAL COATING COMMERCIALIZATION DESIGN ENGINEERING Designed semi-works plant for the commercialization of a new bench developed process for coating nano sized particles. Project included mixing, contacting, solvent recovery, equipment layout, sizing, costing, and environmental permit emissions calculations to support a design/build venture. PHARMACEUTICAL SEMI-WORKS PLANT Provided engineering review and recommendations for a facility to produce low-quantity high-potency pharmaceuticals and small quantities of pharmaceuticals for drug trial purposes. Areas of recommendations included process design, health and safety, HVAC, equipment layout, movement of chemicals through facility, explosion protection, processing and cleaning requirements, and building modifications. DEVELOPMENT OF PLASTIC WOOD FROM RECYCLED MATERIALS Post agricultural polymer film evaluated with different post consumer streams of stiffeners and fillers. Patent search and academic evaluation of materials used as basis of experimental design. Pilot study milled and dried additives then blended in different ratios with polymer prior to extrusion. Extruded blends tested for material strength properties and general compatibility as a substitute for non-structural lumber. Economic analysis determined market potential for optimum strength/weight composition. OVER THE COUNTER CONFECTIONARY PRODUCT ESOH, PROCESS, AND FDA REVIEW Completed review of new product involving toxic pharmaceutical ingredient for toller with experience limited to non-toxic food materials. Product is considered an acutely hazardous waste if disposed. In order to meet early test marketing requirements, developed environmental compliance and safety plan for controlling toxic dust exposure with respirators and low cost engineering controls that could be quickly implemented. For the long term, obtained Food and Drug Administration approval for export only product and quantified cost for materials handling system with dust controls that would eliminate the use of respirators. CCC's design was more than 40% less expensive than a previous consultant estimate for a system that still required the use of respirators. HYDROGENATION REACTOR SYSTEM DESIGN Designed a hydrogenation reactor system and siting for a high potency pharmaceutical intermediate. Prepared an installed cost estimate for the unit. Reviewed regulatory codes and recommended methods of installation. Incorporated related safety and environmental controls into design.
Chicago Chem Consultants Corporation 14 North Peoria Street, Suite 2C Chicago, Illinois 60607-2609 Phone 312-226-2436 · Fax 312-226-8886 Contact CCC by e-mail or Contact CCC through website |