John Angstmann, P.E.
Senior Associate


Licensed Professional Engineer with over 20 years of environmental engineering and project management experience for broad range of industrial/commercial, municipal, state and federal clients.  Areas of expertise include wastewater permitting, compliance, spill and storm water pollution prevention plans, site investigation, soil and groundwater remediation and regulatory closure of contaminated sites, hazardous waste management/RCRA, landfills, and compliance audits.  Experienced in addressing wide range of environmental issues and sites, including manufacturing, food and consumer products, petroleum, chemical, and municipal and industrial wastewater treatment.


Versar, Inc.


Southern Illinois University-Carbondale Department of Pollution Control (Student)



Wastewater Permitting

  • Prepared permit applications and successfully secured permit for discharge of wastewaters from plastic extrusion facility, Elk Grove Village, IL to Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD).
  • Prepared permit applications for metals treatment and coating plant in DeKalb, IL, and secured permit for industrial pretreatment.
  • Secured construction/operating permit for Bedford Park, IL aerospace company discharging industrial pretreated wastewater to the MWRD.
  • Provided consulting services to assist various commercial clients and legal firms with NPDES permit applications, pretreatment and user charge compliance.
  • Supervised storm water monitoring for multiple concrete plants across Illinois to develop a group storm water permit application for Illinois Ready Mix Concrete Association.
  • Performed performance audit inspections of 14 municipal and 9 industrial wastewater treatment facilities across Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan.  Prepared reports for U.S. EPA detailing compliance status, including operations and maintenance, flow monitoring, sampling and analytical, reporting/records, and used to support enforcement.

Environmental Spill Prevention

  • Developed and updated Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), including assessment of storm water pollution sources and development of best management practices, for metal parts fabrication plant in DeKalb, IL.
  • Prepared and revised Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC) and MWRD-required chemical spill prevention plan for corn refinery in Argo, IL.
  • Developed SPCC Plan for plastic extrusion and aluminum stamping facility in Wheeling, IL and SWPPP for plastic packaging plant in Bridgeview, IL.
  • Prepared and revised SPCC Plan for 90-acre soap manufacturing plant in Montgomery, IL
  • Prepared SPCC and SWPPP for slag-cement grinding facility in Chicago, IL. Recommended engineering modifications to improve drainage and spill management.
  • Prepared SWPPP for plant expansion, and developed truck and tank car loading/unloading procedures for distillery in Plainfield, IL.

Product Review

  • Assisted fertilizer product company with EPA pesticide registration requirements, applying the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).
  • Conducted review of environmental and safety requirements for a proposed modification of fertilizer products.  Assessed Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and labeling requirements under OSHA Hazard Communication, and Department of Transportation shipping requirements.
  • Assisted fertilizer product company with U.S. tariff requirements for planned exports.

Chemical and Manufacturing Plants

  • Performed on-site engineering services for polystyrene manufacturing plant in Joliet, IL for eleven months.  Developed a waste management program for special and hazardous wastes to comply with RCRA generator requirements.  Conducted a plant-wide assessment of wastes to properly characterize them as special or hazardous to achieve waste minimization, secured permits for numerous special waste streams, developed proper identification, labeling, handling and acceptance of hazardous waste through employee training and subsequent routine auditing.  Tracked and coordinated disposal of hazardous wastes, and conducted treated wastewater and storm water effluent monitoring.
  • Outsourced by secondary aluminum and alloy manufacturer in McCook, IL to assist Environmental, Health and Safety director with reporting and regulatory compliance in areas of RCRA, TSCA, and NPDES.
  • Conducted exposure assessment project for flexible film printing company that included monitoring of employees to measure for potential PCB exposure in pigment dust.  Report findings were used in litigation and were able to provide company with information that showed minimal risk. 
  • Assisted in development of a RCRA Part B permit application for a chemical company in Sauget, IL.  Reviewed historical and current operational practices, and design of hazardous waste management units, which contributed to submittal of a complete and technically accurate permit application package.
  • Conducted RCRA Facility Assessments in Iowa, Colorado, and West Virginia for U.S. EPA.  Performed file review, site visits, sampling of surface water, soil, and air, and evaluation of data to determine potential and actual releases of hazardous constituents from solid waste management units.  Facilities included oil refineries, non-ferrous foundry, printed circuit board manufacturer, carbide manufacturer, and a university.


  • Conducted review and analyses of landfill cover system to support design of new cover system for Naval Station Great Lakes, IL.  Assessed geotechnical properties, cover thickness, leachate head, surface water/drainage, groundwater monitoring system, and landfill gas evaluations.  Oversight of final report including construction drawings, material specifications, erosion control and vegetation plan, construction quality assurance manual, and operations and maintenance plan.  Final design aimed at regulatory compliance and beneficial reuse of landfill space.
  • Conducted multi-year quarterly groundwater monitoring of deep wells and leachate recovery well at Stearns Quarry for Chicago Department of Environment using low-flow techniques.  Prepared quarterly reports summarizing analytical data and water elevations. 
  • Performed a RCRA comprehensive groundwater monitoring evaluation at naval munitions supply base in Indiana and a hazardous waste landfill in Ohio for U.S. EPA.  Ground-water monitoring system design, facility sampling procedures, and reporting requirements were evaluated under 40 CFR 264 and 265.
  • Conducted oversight and evaluation of Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Studies (RI/FS) at Superfund landfill sites in Indiana, Wisconsin and Michigan for U.S. EPA.  Performed field oversight of geophysical investigations, surface and subsurface sampling, groundwater monitoring well installation, and test pits excavation and sampling.  Reviewed and evaluated Work Plans, and RI/FS reports.  Developed soil vapor extraction as a remedial alternative for a U.S. EPA lead FS site.  Evaluated effectiveness of alternatives by research of applied technology and engineering cost estimating.

Environmental Investigation and Remediation

  • Conducted third party review and oversight, and evaluated remediation plans for oil terminal site in advance of property transfer.  Assessed in-situ chemical oxidation technology and provided recommendations for improving the proposed clean up.
  • Managed investigation and remediation of site with underground storage tank releases for City of Mattoon under an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) Brownfield Grant.  Prepared Grant Application, plans for investigation and remediation, progress reports, and budget amendments.  Production of quality reports and close liaison with the agency resulted in timely completion of remedial activities, and issuance of draft No Further Remediation (NFR) letter. 
  • Project engineer for field investigation to delineate extent of chlorinated groundwater and metal/semi-volatile impacted soil of 11-acre foundry adjacent to a city well field for City of Plano under an IEPA Brownfield Grant.  Supervised installation, development and sampling of deep groundwater monitoring wells, soil, sediment and surface water sampling, analysis, groundwater plume modeling, and prepared Comprehensive Site Investigation, Remedial Objective Report, and Remedial Action Plans.
  • Project engineer for remediation of dry-cleaning and petroleum UST site redevelopment for Village of Downers Grove under an IEPA Brownfield Grant.   Supervised remedial activities including removal of impacted soils during site excavations, confirmation sampling, analysis, data interpretation, and prepared Remedial Objective/Remedial Action Plan and Remedial Action Completion Reports.
  • Project Engineer for soil remediation activities during construction of multi-level parking deck in the downtown business district for Village of Downers Grove. Conducted oversight during construction excavation, delineated areas of environmental impact, supervised transportation and disposal of 2,295 cubic yards of petroleum-impacted soil, project coordination with stakeholders and subcontractors, soil confirmation sampling, and report documentation.
  • Supervised in-situ remediation of 4500 cubic yards of soil contaminated with lead, including field work and contractor oversight.  Reports prepared for City of Chicago, documenting extent of contamination and clean up activities, were used as basis for site closure.
  • Conducted investigation of several abandoned gas station sites for City of Chicago Department of Environment.  Prepared reports delineating extent of contamination and recommendations on whether or not to remediate.
  • Conducted numerous Phase II environmental site investigations for City of Chicago Department of Environment at abandoned service stations and other Brownfield sites containing USTs, and soils impacted with lead, volatile, semi-volatile, and other compounds.
  • Conducted technical review and evaluation of manufactured gas plant site, and TCE spill from manufacturing site.  Performed technical review of documents over three year period, evaluating groundwater modeling, technical feasibility, remedial alternatives, remedial cost, and public health/risk assessment.  Reports were prepared for Indiana Department of Environmental Management.
  • Served as project manager and/or project engineer for projects involving site assessment, site investigation, feasibility studies, long term monitoring, groundwater treatment and remediation under multiple year contract with Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence (AFCEE).  Conducted project scoping, subcontractor selection/coordination, regulator interface, field investigation/oversight, and wrote work plans, quality assurance plans, financial and project status reports and technical reports.  Program supported the closure of multiple contaminated sites (including small arms firing range, fuel hydrant systems, oil/water separators, landfills, and burn areas) in Michigan and Indiana.
  • Conducted oversight and evaluation of numerous investigation sites and cleanups, including desktop reviews, contractor oversight, inspections and sampling at landfills, manufacturing facilities, and hazardous waste sites.  Prepared technical reports used to support U.S. EPA enforcement activities.
  • Conducted Environmental Impairment Liability risk assessment surveys at various industrial facilities including, molybdenum processing, plastics lamination, chemical processing plants, underground and strip coal mines, and industrial wastewater treatment plants for insurance companies.  Assessed compliance of hazardous and solid waste disposal units, USTs, groundwater and surface water quality, and prepared reports used for establishing premiums.
  • Conducted numerous environmental audits to determine actual or potential environmental liability for the client.  Audits were performed of industrial facilities (metal machining/fabrication, plating, electronics, chemical processing, food processing, wastewater pretreatment, and railroad maintenance) and commercial properties including gas stations, shopping centers and office buildings.


B.S., Thermal and Environmental Engineering, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, 1984


Member, Illinois Society of Professional Engineers

Licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.) in Illinois


Six Sigma Green Belt Training, Chicago Deming Association – Six Sigma Masters Program , September 2009.

Niton XRF Analyzer Training Course, March 2004

Continuing education courses: Hydraulics & Hydrology, Soil Mechanics, and Foundation Design, Illinois Institute of Technology, 2002-2003.

Ground Modification Seminar, Hayward Baker Inc., May 2001

RCRA Conference, Air and Waste Management Association, November 2000

Innovative Remediation Technologies Workshop, U.S. EPA and HWAC, July 1997

CHMM Certification Masters Level, January 1995

Class K Industrial Wastewater Treatment Operator, 1993

Versar Project Management Course, 1993

Hazardous/Toxic Waste Management Certification Workshop, Lion Technology, 1993

Supervision Skills Seminar, CareerTrack, 1992

Seminar on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, U.S. EPA, 1991

Forty-hour Health and Safety Training, University of Wisconsin-Madison, College of Engineering, The Department of Engineering Professional Development, July 18-21, 1988.

Course in Implementing Groundwater Pollution Remedial Actions, University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Engineering, January 20-22, 1988

 Seminar on Transport and Fate of Contaminants in the Subsurface, U.S. EPA, 1987


Environmental Health and Safety Issues Workbook (Chapter 4 - Emergency Response), BOMI Institute, 1999.


"A Summary and Analysis of Hi‑Vol. Particulate Data", Carbondale, Illinois, 1977‑1980.